Some may debate the importance of fall cleanup for your Charlotte lawn. While you won’t be mowing every week during the cooler months, it’s still important to keep your lawn trimmed in order to keep healthy grass for the warmer seasons. Improper lawn care during fall can lead to a sickly-looking lawn during spring, resulting in more time and effort needed to make it healthy again. We’ve compiled the top reasons why fall cleanup in Charlotte is crucial for your lawn.
Maintaining a healthy lawn length during fall is essential to keeping it healthy year-round. Properly mowed grass should be around 2.5 inches in length. This length allows grass to still absorb the water, sun, and oxygen it needs to survive and thrive.
Pesky weeds are an eye sore for all lawns. By keeping up with weeds during the fall, your job in spring will be much easier and your lawn will look nicer. The most common weeds we see during spring germinate in the fall, so applying the proper weed killer can prevent them from spreading and creating more work in the warmer months.
Fall leaves are certainly beautiful, but those fallen leaves pose hazards to your lawn if they are not raked. It is essential that leaves are raked and collected before winter hits, since leaves on top of grass can cut off water evaporation, leaving you with patches of dead grass. Fallen leaves also house mold and fungus, which can attract insects that may destroy your lawn. Certain plant diseases can also be transported by fallen leaves, leaving your once beautiful lawn susceptible to damage and pests that may be hard to undo.
Winter in Charlotte can be difficult on lawns and plants. Without proper care, they may not survive the winter months. By fertilizing your lawn, trees, shrubs, and plants, you give them the advantage over the winter months. Fertilizing can help prevent damage and decay during the colder months, leaving you with a healthy lawn come springtime. You’ll want to fertilize right before the first frost, so keep an eye on the weather!
Lawn aeration reduces soil compaction and encourages better growth. It can lead to deeper, stronger roots, resulting in a healthier, greener lawn in the spring. If you’re fertilizing before the first frost, aeration allows for the fertilizer to penetrate deeper, working from the ground up to create healthier grass.
If you’re planting spring bulbs, the ideal time to do so is from fall to late November. Make sure to leave plenty of time between planting and the first frost for the best results. To protect bulbs from animals, cover the area with a layer of mulch. Your bulbs will be ready to bloom into a beautiful array come springtime!
Lawn care is more than just mowing. For a lush, green lawn in spring, it is best to understand the importance of fall clean-up for your lawn. Leaves pose a hazard to lawns, since they cut off light and water. Not raking leaves can leave you with brown, dead patches of grass and areas where pests have taken over. Aerate and fertilize your lawn for a healthier lawn in the spring and plant your spring bulbs before the first frost to add a nice touch of color when they bloom!
If you’d like us to help you with your fall cleanup, please contact us today!